Dive Photo Guide - Keri Wilk Looks at Nauticam D600
DPG's Publisher Matt Weiss and I decided to jump on a plane and head over to Grand Cayman where we were going to stay and dive with Cobalt Coast Resort and Dive Tech. The clear, warm waters off the Cayman's provide the perfect studio, and Colbalt Coast and Dive Tech are perfectly set up for photographers, making logistics simple.
Keri Wilk puts the NA-D600 through the paces
Nauticam heard about the project and sent over their new NA-D600 housing for the Nikon D600 camera, and asked for some honest feedback. As you'll read below, the results were overwhelmingly positive.
f/13, 1/125, ISO 1600 Nauticam NA-D600, Zen 230 dome, Sigma 15mm fisheye, 2 Ikelite DS160s
Check out the entire article here: Dive Photo Guide