The Digital Shootout is wrapping up for 2012. Little Cayman and the Little Cayman Beach Resort have been wonderful hosts, and we've had a great group of participants. The images they brought back were excellent and it was really enjoyable to watch the progress over the course of the week.
Gear wise, the Nauticam housings and accessories we brought have performed very well. Despite many really quick battery swap outs, memory card swap outs, configuration changes, and some rough passages to the dive sites, the gear held up well and people seemed very happy with it (and I can swap camera and strobe bateries in my sleep). We had Nikon D4, Nikon D800, Panasonic GX1, Sony NEX-5N, Sony NEX-7, Canon T3i/600D, and Canon 5D Mark III rigs for demo. We also had a "TSH" – a "top secret housing" that the DSO staff and I dove, and we let some of the m4/3 afficianados here give it a try as well.
I have many gigabytes of images and video to sort through and edit. Over the next couple of days, I'll try to get more thoughts written down about each rig that we demo'd. In the meantime, please enjoy a few shots from the diving:
Nauticam Demo Gear in Action – Panasonic GX1; shot with Nikon D4 and Sigma 15mm
Hawksbill Turtle on the Bloody Bay Wall, shot with Nikon D4 with Nikon 16mm, Zen DP-230
Reef Squid in Ambient Light (no strobe); Canon 5D Mark III with Canon 8-15mm
Old Gear Meets New Gear – Nikonos SB-105 Strobes and Sea&Sea Dome on a New Nauticam 7D Housing; shot with Canon 5D Mark III with Canon 16-35mm II
Hawksbill Turtle, Nikon D4 with 16mm