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Taking the Jump From Stills to Video - by Rob Duncan

Rob Duncan from Backscatter writes this terrific piece as a stills shooter on switching to shooting video, using the Panasonic GH4.

I have always had an interest in shooting video, but as a still shooter, the whole process has always intimidated me. The shooting and post processing that go into making a great video seemed daunting. But with video becoming more of a relevant feature of still cameras, I thought that it might be a great time to take that leap.

I opted to use the new Panasonic GH4 Micro Four-thirds camera along with the Nauticam NA-GH4 housing. Lens choice was fairly easy, the Panasonic Lumix G Micro 4:3 FISHEYE 8mm for wide angle, and the Olympus 60mm macro for the close-up shooting. Here's a list of a few essentials you'll need to consider when making the transition from stills to shooting video.

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